With our vast candidate database and networks, you get exclusive access to top Accounting & Finance talent others might not be able to reach. As part of NZ’s largest recruitment group, Accordant, we can leverage the extensive reach and diverse networks of our sibling companies too.
With 45+ years of combined experience, our team can hire any type of Accounting & Finance role, at any level. We know the market inside out, so we can hit the ground running and provide tailored recruitment solutions that meet your industry-specific hiring challenges and requirements.
Being part of NZ’s only publicly listed staffing company (NZX:AGL), we’re committed to upholding rigorous standards. You can trust us to be fully transparent and act with integrity – not just because we’re listed, but because it reflects our core company values.
With recent Recruiter Insider survey results showing that 94.8% of candidates and 92.7% of clients rate our service as ‘Good’ or ‘Excellent’, we have a track record of providing exceptional experiences, so you can trust us to represent your business and protect your brand reputation in market.
You can be confident that we keep pace with the latest Accounting & Finance market developments, using real-life data to tailor our hiring advice to your needs. We also conduct our own extensive research, with an annual Employment Market Report that includes the latest salary benchmarks.
Since employers can no longer rely on traditional methods alone to reach top talent, we offer the added advantage of access to our internal marketing experts. And with candidates more likely to apply to companies they recognise, our brand awareness gives you a competitive edge.