Top 8 Tips for Job Seekers

4 mins read
Job Seeker

To everyone out there who is job seeking at the moment, please don’t lose hope and momentum with your job search.

Recently I’ve been speaking with quite a few candidates who, after a long period of job searching, have managed to secure multiple interviews with some even at offer stage. This is where being resilient, staying positive, and being persistent with your job search will pay off!

As a recruiter, here are some other tips that I highly recommend you follow to increase your chances:

1. Make sure your CV is easy to read

It sounds simple, but with a high volume of candidates in the job market, it’s really important to have a CV that is easy to read. Use headings and bullet points rather than writing long paragraphs, include a career summary, highlight any contract work, and use a clear font like Arial or Calibri.

2. Spend time on your cover letter

More than anything, spend time writing a good cover letter. I don’t mean just changing the job title and listing your overall skills (which could relate to any role), but outline why you specifically are right for that role. Give detailed examples from your career which relate to the role you have applied for, and which will really demonstrate your suitability. Explain why you’d like to work for the organisation too (if you’re applying directly with them), as it also shows you have a genuine interest in the company, and have done your research. Just make sure you keep it to one page!

3. Update your LinkedIn

Make sure your LinkedIn page is up to date, and that dates and titles match your CV. You could also reach out across your networks; not only will this increase your chances of finding work, but you’ll also get the opportunity to connect with other individuals who may be going through similar challenges as you in the job market. It goes without saying that any opportunity to network, whether on LinkedIn or at events, will help you!

4. Review your social media

Whilst we’re on the subject of social media, make sure that whatever you have on any other platforms (such as Facebook, Instagram or X), you’d be happy for employers to see. If not, make sure you change this as soon as possible. It’s important to be visible online as employers often like to research candidates prior to interviewing them.

5. Be clear on what you’re looking for

Whilst it’s good to keep momentum going with your job search, avoid applying for every role under the sun, and instead be specific with what you’re looking for. As a recruitment agency, we have visibility on all the jobs that a candidate has applied for directly with us, and there’s nothing that puts us off more than seeing dozens and dozens of really varied applications from the same candidate. It makes us question whether the person is applying for the right reason and if they would commit to the role if successful.

6. Prepare your referees

Take the time now to reach out to your referees to let them know that you are job hunting. That way there won’t be delays if you get to the offer stage, pending references. It’s also a great opportunity to connect again. Who knows, they may either know of someone hiring or there might be an opportunity opening up in their organisation (if you left on good terms and were keen to work there again of course!).

7. Take a break

Remember to take a day off every now and again from job seeking, so that you can recharge and be in fine form to restart your job search. There’s no denying it, job seeking can be tiring, so it’s important that you take time to rest. If you can afford to go away, this is also a great time to plan a trip before you start work again!

8. Ask us for help!

Finally, please feel free to get in touch with us here at Madison Recruitment. We have a team of recruitment experts here who would be more than happy to provide tips to help with your job search, and of course keep an eye out for any potential opportunities for you. You can search our open roles here or send us your CV here.

Heather Kerr
Senior Consultant

A bit about me I arrived in New Zealand in 2008 after spending most of my life growing up in England and France. I returned to the UK for a brief period in…

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