Sharing our market knowledge through practical resources

Every year we meet a substantial number of employers and job seekers, and fill thousands of temporary, contract and permanent roles. This gives us access to real-time market information, salaries, and trends that allow us to compile reports and resources to help you, our candidates and clients. Whether you’re looking for salary and remuneration advice or trying to attract and retain top talent, we have insights and reports to help you along the way.

New Zealand Employment Market Reports

Our annual Employment Market Reports (EMRs) provide market commentary, themes, insights, and comprehensive regional salary and remuneration guides for a range of industries and sectors. They’re your one-stop-shop for a thorough look at the state of the employment market, from hiring and job seeker trends, to our predictions for the year ahead.

Industry Reports

We recruit across virtually all industries, with employers ranging from small start-ups and medium sized business, to global blue-chip companies and large public sector organisations, including government and not-for-profits. Here’s where you can find spotlight reports that provide an in-depth look at specific sectors, including salary information.

How to Turn Holiday Habits into Workplace Wins

For many of us, this time of year means settling back into our regular routines and returning to work, with the summer holidays beginning to fade into lovely memories. I know I’m not…

Is Burnout Back? How to Safeguard Your Team

As we navigate a post-pandemic world, a worrying trend is reemerging; employees bearing the brunt of reduced people functions. This mirrors a phenomenon we saw just after COVID-19 when redundancies and structural changes…

Spring Clean Your CV Before the Holidays

The New Year brings new opportunities – like exciting new jobs! But no one wants to be stuck inside on a beautiful sunny day, updating their CV and cover letter. That’s why now…