Adam Napper
Manager - Professional Services

I have 20 years of experience recruiting accounting & finance roles in Auckland and New Zealand and have returned to Madison after…

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Alysia Given
Candidate Manager

I am originally from Auckland but moved to Christchurch 2 years ago to start fresh. My background covers a wide range of…

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Angus Liddell
Senior Consultant

My career journey began in Sales and Marketing, but thanks to our manager Elliott, I ventured into Recruitment.…

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Avril Moriarty
Manager - Professional Services

Originally from Dublin, Ireland, I’ve felt a deep connection to Aotearoa since my OE in 2009, and Auckland has been home since…

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Ben Stevenson
Regional Manager - Wellington

After beginning my career as a Chartered Accountant, I have been fortunate to work as a recruitment leader…

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Beth Jones
Manager - Business Support

With over 5 years of recruitment experience spanning business services, finance, and contact centres in the Wellington region,…

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Caroline Banham

After completing my bachelor’s in psychology from Carleton University in 2013, I started a career in sales working for the largest fitness…

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Chloe Churchill
Business Partner - Government Volume

After earning my Bachelor of Honours in Business Studies, I began my career in HR in London before…

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Christian Brown
Chief Operating Officer - Madison and Absolute IT

I began my career as a corporate lawyer in a large New Zealand private practice firm. Like many…

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Cindy Barthel
Principal Consultant

Originally from China, I have been enamoured by the vibrant culture of Wellington. My career in recruitment has flourished through diverse experiences…

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Denny Vermeij
Principal Consultant

Originally from The Netherlands, I am now based in vibrant Wellington, specialising in Corporate Services Recruitment. With over…

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Eden McKee
Manager - South East

Since joining Madison, I’ve had the opportunity to contribute in various capacities across diverse industry sectors. Currently, I…

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Gemma Hill
Principal Consultant

In 2016, I arrived in New Zealand from the UK and my recruitment journey began. With experience in…

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Hannah Williams
Senior Consultant

With a background in HR and administration, the world of recruitment was only one step away, and here…

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Heather Kerr
Senior Consultant

I arrived in New Zealand in 2008 after spending most of my life growing up in England and…

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Jayde Scorer
Business Partner

Originally hailing from Jo’burg, South Africa, I arrived in New Zealand right before the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. After traveling around…

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Jessica Williamson
Candidate Manager

After being in the aviation industry for 10 years, I decided to embark on a new career journey…

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Jordan Larkins
Associate Consultant

My passion for recruitment began in 2019 when I coordinated the compliance and logistics for medical professionals across…

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Katie Neave-Hall
Recruitment Coordinator - Health

If you’re considering a new adventure in New Zealand or have immigration questions, Katie is ready to help!

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Kennedy Moore

I initially started my career in Events and Sales in the Health and Wellbeing industry and then moved to the UK for…

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Laura Murray
Principal Consultant

Hailing from Hawke’s Bay, I began my recruitment career with one of the largest apple pack houses in…

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Liesl Hansel
Candidate Manager

Born and bred in South Africa, we made the big move to New Zealand and it has been a wonderful journey so…

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Lisa McKerrow
Senior Consultant

I feel blessed to be living here in the Bay of Plenty enjoying everything it has to offer.…

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Luke Horton
Central Regional Manager

I started in recruitment in 2007, where I started running a busy trades desk. This took me from…

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Lydia Overton
Senior Consultant

I like to think of myself as a recruitment success story. After studying Media and Marketing at Victoria…

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Mandy Mella
General Manager - Madison Health

I joined Madison in 2007 and have never looked back. The opportunity to connect with so many people…

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Mikayla Johnson
Business Partner

After moving home from Australia in 2021 I was ready for a career change. I joined Madison as…

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Nafeeza Jahan
Business Partner

My relationship with Madison started a few years ago, when I decided to leave my career in the…

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Oliver Bastock

Originally from Manchester in the UK, I found myself settling in Wellington after spending three years travelling across…

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Rachel Bloemen
Manager – Government Volume

My journey and passion for recruitment started when I recruited for roles within a fast-paced retail environment. In…

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Rachna Singh
Manager - Contact Centre Auckland

My journey with Madison initially began as a job seeker a couple of years ago. I remember thinking…

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Rebecca Banaszak
Business Partner - Managed Services

My recruitment journey started back in the UK where I worked in volume recruitment at Gatwick Airport. When…

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Samuel Chatterley-Hodgson

My Madison journey began in the National Resourcing Team in May 2021, where I handled high volume recruitment…

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Sangeeta Prasad
Managing Consultant

Like most people in recruitment, I naturally tripped and fell into the industry after accepting a temporary role…

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Sarah English
National Sales Manager & Auckland Regional Manager

Originally from Puhoi (North Auckland), I spent time in Dunedin for University. After having a Recruitment Consultant speak to our class, I…

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Sarah Harland
Regional Manager - Christchurch

With eight years experience helping to shape people’s careers, three in Melbourne, and five with Madison Recruitment, Sarah is now leading the Absolute IT and Madison teams in the Christchurch branch.

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Sarah Tasker
Manager - Business Support Auckland

I joined the Madison family in September 2013, after working in healthcare recruitment for 13 years. I specialise…

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Sofia Zubir

My journey with Madison began when I signed up as a candidate following the completion of my Sport and Exercise Science degree,…

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Sophia Yuen
Associate Consultant

Currently on parental leave.  Based in Auckland, I am a Candidate Manager specialising in all customer service roles within the Contact Centre…

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Suada Hoxha
Candidate Manager

Currently on parental leave. Originally from Albania, raised in Ireland and living in New Zealand is a story in itself! I have…

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Sue Irving
Principal Consultant

As a passionate career recruiter, I have been providing support in the Wellington market for over 30 years.…

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Troy Scott
Principal Consultant

I specialise in recruitment across the construction and engineering sectors, where I connect businesses with skilled talent that matches both their operational needs and company culture.

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William Trevor
Senior Consultant

Originally from Cork, Ireland, I found a home away from home in the shape of Auckland. I bring over 5 years of…

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