A Working Holiday in New Zealand: Best places to work, live and travel

You might be a little surprised by the title of this blog. You’re right, I said I wasn’t going to pick a favourite place in New Zealand. But I do want to provide…

A Working Holiday in New Zealand: How to Meet People

I hadn’t really thought about it before now, but being a Recruitment Consultant is a bit like being a matchmaker, without the romance (though if there are any Netflix producers reading this, that…

A Working Holiday in New Zealand: How to Find Somewhere to Live

Welcome traveller. Your journey has no doubt been long and arduous – post-COVID international airports are no joke, am I right?! You’ve said farewell to your family, travelled across oceans to reach the…

A Working Holiday in New Zealand: 10 Ways to Find a Job

If you’re here in New Zealand on a Working Holiday Visa (WHV), chances are that one of the big things on your mind will be finding a job so that you can sort…

A Working Holiday in New Zealand: Getting Work Ready – Everything I Wish I’d Known

Getting yourself organised for a working holiday looks a little different from getting yourself organised for a normal holiday – or at least it should! Imagine you’re packing for that exciting week away…

Why New Zealand? The Pros and Cons of a Working Holiday in New Zealand

When I’m chatting with friends and family overseas, it’s the question that I’m asked most often: so, what’s it like living in New Zealand? The short answer is easy – it’s great!  After…

A Working Holiday in New Zealand: a Series about Living and Working in NZ

Looking back now, it seems pretty random that I have ended up living here in Auckland – but I am mighty pleased that fate led me here. I love my life here in…

My Experience with Temping

When the first wave of COVID hit New Zealand in April 2020, I was one of the many thousands made redundant from my job. While I knew that I wasn’t alone in this…

Job Seekers Guide to Recruitment Terminology
Job Seekers Guide to Recruitment Terminology

Have you ever found yourself a little confused at the end of an agency interview, wondering “So, how did that go… and what exactly was the outcome?” From all of us recruiters— sorry! …